Tradition and perseverance
My story begins in today s Azerbaijan in 1986 with my great grand-mother, the little baroness, Mlle Lyska Kostio de Warkoffska.
She was introduced into Belle Epoque’s Parisian high society as a teenager, and shortly after, she made her debut as an actress. (Theatre Michel, 38 rue des Mathurins, 75008, Paris)
In 1935, she adopted Kostio de WAR as the final version of her name and founded Kostio deWAR (18 rue Jean goujon 75008).
Her daughter Vanina Lyska Kostio Bustos was born is Antibes in 1919. She becomes director of Maison de War at just 18 years of age. In 1938 another Maison deWAR branch is added. (108 rue Larriston 75016).
During the German occupation of Paris, Kostio deWAR moved to Biarritz, and while she remained active in the fashion scene, it was her daughter, Vanina who continued to live and work in occupied Paris.
Maison de War was part of the selected group of fashion houses who were allowed to operate and whose goal was to guard the interests of Parisian couture.
Right after the war, and in need of a change, Vanina takes the first boat to Argentina. Travelling with a selection of her creations she quickly caught the attention of the Argentinian fashionistas. In 1947 she hosted her first fashion show at the Plaza Hotel in Argentina, and, shortly after she opened Maison de WAR in Buenos Aires (Arenales 1307).
The same store I spent so much time as a child, the same store I dream of one day getting back.
Sayana, CEO & Founder
The deWAR story continues with me, Sayana, as I continue to build upon my legacy and, most importantly, as I continue to help woman around the world feel chic, comfortable, chic, and confident Sayana CEO & Founder